Cong Jiang
Associate Professor, Master supervisor
College of Plant Protection
Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100
Tel: 15339034156;
1 Functional analysis of Trx genes in rice blast fungus and its role in PMK1 signaling pathway activation, National Natural Science Foundation of China.
2 The role of Tri10 in DON biosynthesis regulation in Fusarium graminearum , Young Talent fund of University Association for Science and Technology in Shaanxi, China.
3 The regulation network of DON biosynthesis in Fusarium graminearum, NWAFU doctoral start-up foundation.
4 Functional analysis of G protein-coupled receptors in Fusarium graminearum, NWAFU Fundamental Resea rch Special Fund projects.
Representative Publications (First author or corresponding author)
1 Jiang C, Zhang C, Wu C, Sun P, Hou R, Liu H, Wang C*, Xu JR*. TRI6 and TRI10 play different roles in the regulation of DON production by cAMP signaling in Fusarium graminearum. Environ Microbiol , doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13279.
2 Zhang S#, Jiang C#, Zhang Q, Qi L, Liu C, Xu JR*. Thioredoxins are involved in the activation of the PMK1 MAP kinase pathway during appressorium penetration and invasive growth in Magnaporthe oryzae. Environ Microbiol , doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13315.
3 Li M#, Jiang C#, Wang Q, Zhao Z, Jin Q, Xu JR, Liu H*. Evolution and functional insights of different ancestral orthologous clades of chitin synthase genes in the fungal tree of life 7, 37.
4 Li Y, Wang G, Xu JR*, Jiang C*. Penetration peg formation and invasive hyphae development require stage-specific activation of MoGTI1 in Magnaporthe oryzae. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 29, 36-45.
5 Jiang C, Xu JR, Liu H*. Distinct cell cycle regulation during saprophytic and pathogenic growth in fungal pathogens.Curr Genet 62, 185-189.
6 Jiang C#, Zhang S#, Zhang Q, Tao Y, Wang C, Xu JR*. FgSKN7 and FgATF1 have overlapping functions in ascosporogenesis, pathogenesis and stress responses in Fusarium graminearum. Environ Microbiol 17, 1245-1260.
7 Hou R#, Jiang C#, Zheng Q, Wang C*, Xu JR*. The AreA transcription factor mediates the regulation of deoxynivalenol (DON) synthesis by ammonium and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) signalling in Fusarium graminearum. Mol Plant Pathol 16, 987-999.
Research orientation
Plant immunology, plant pathology and mycology.